10 Signs You Should See a Doctor for Bladder Issues

September 29, 2021

Clinical Contributors to this Story

Charles P. Fernicola, M.D. contributes to topics such as Urology.

Kevin T. Gioia, M.D. contributes to topics such as Exercise / Fitness, Nutrition.

Bladder problems can disrupt our day-to-day life, and as we get older, they’re more likely to occur.

“As we age, our bladder changes,” says Southern Ocean Medical Center urologist Charles P. Fernicola, M.D. “Elastic bladder issue becomes less stretchy, so it can’t hold as much urine as before. The bladder wall and pelvic floor muscles can also weaken, which makes it hard to fully empty the bladder and causes urine to leak.”

Here are 10 signs you should see a doctor for bladder issues:

  1. Bladder leakage
  2. Frequent need to urinate more than eight times during the day and more than two times at night
  3. Sudden and urgent need to urinate
  4. Pain or burning before, during or after urinating
  5. Cloudy urine
  6. Bloody urine
  7. Frequently passing just small amounts of urine
  8. Strong-smelling urine
  9. Pain during sexual intercourse
  10. Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen

If you’re experiencing any of these or other bladder issues, help is available. ”If you’re being bothered by urinary issues, talk with your doctor or make an appointment with a urologist or urogynecologist,” says urogynecologist Kevin Gioia, M.D. “Whether it’s a bladder infection, kidney infection or other issue, they can pinpoint the problem and help you find relief.”

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Provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.