Integrative Health and Medicine

Integrative Health and Medicine

A No Frills Guide to Good Health

Achieving overall good health requires changes to your lifestyle and mindset, and I’m happy to share some key advice that will get you on a pathway to good health in 2019 and beyond. Remember it takes at least 12 weeks for lifestyle changes to become ingrained and habitual. Be patient.

Integrative Health and Medicine, Nutrition

Against the Grain: Should You Go Gluten-Free in 2019?

Maybe you’ve never had issues with gluten intolerance; or maybe you’re just a “glutton for gluten.” Regardless, with gluten-free ingredients more bountiful today than ever before, and given that changes in gut bacteria can activate gluten intolerance in people who have gone years without any issues, there is no better time than 2019 to reconsider going “against the grain.”