Jersey Shore University Medical Center Draws Region’s Most Serious Orthopedic Trauma Cases

Level 2 trauma center accepts high volume of high acuity cases not treatable outside of trauma care setting

With a reputation for expertise when treating complex orthopedic trauma cases, New Jersey patients are often brought to Jersey Shore University Medical Center. Its Level 2 trauma facility handled more than 800 orthopedic trauma cases in 2019.

At the trauma center, patients receive multidisciplinary care for pelvic and acetabular fractures, fractures that require corrective surgery for malalignment or poor healing, complex periarticular joint fractures, complex infections and deformities, and non-orthopedic trauma.

Trauma teams are equipped to treat multiple casualties as well as individuals with multiple traumatic injuries of any nature. Dedicated operating room space and staffing provide optimal orthopedic fracture care.

With two fellowship-trained orthopedic trauma surgeons, Sergei Pushilin, M.D., and David Polonet, M.D., other hospitals turn to Jersey Shore University Medical Center for leadership in clinical training and innovation. The center also offers specialized resident training in orthopedic trauma for podiatry and orthopedic surgery residents, including residents from other medical centers.

In his research efforts, Dr. Polonet helped innovate the application of suprapatellar nailing for proximal tibia fractures to minimize deformity and published an academic evaluation of options for limb salvage versus amputation. Currently, he is developing designs for various trauma implants.