
Other Amenities


  • 24-hour access to snacks and beverages in our pantry
  • Different menus every day, offering a variety of meats, poultry, fish, pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and delicious desserts
  • Flexibility to accommodate any diet (e.g. vegetarian, low-salt, kosher)
  • Daily breakfast buffet
  • Complimentary coffee cart in lobby
  • Family and other loved ones are always welcome as guests

Services Available for Additional Fees:

  • Haircuts and hair styling
  • Personal laundry

Easy Access to All Medical Services:

Because we’re located right on the property of Ocean Medical Center, our residents have immediate access to all levels of medical care if needed. That also means our residents see the same nurses, aides, and volunteers on a regular basis, whether they’re receiving medical services from the hospital or at our facility.