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Emergency-Disaster Planning

To learn more about our many services and how we can customize them to meet your needs, please feel free to call one of our advisors

at 1-800-655-2555 or contact us.

Always be prepared!

Hurricanes, winter storms, power outages, floods and wildfires are known to occur in New Jersey. These and other emergencies can happen at any time.

Meridian at Home encourages all of our clients and their families to have an emergency plan in place. Your plan should include a destination of where to go if you need to be evacuated. What are your needs? Where can your needs be met safely? Where are the shelters? 

Although every situation is different, clients, families and caregivers are encouraged to take the time to discuss and to have a disaster plan.

It is advisable that everyone: 

  • Have emergency phone numbers clearly identified and within reach of a phone.
  • Have a working telephone within reach and know how to use it.
  • Establish specific exit routes from their home for safe evacuation and make sure they are free of clutter.
  • Identify a relative or friend who will assist them in the event of an emergency.
  • Have necessary medications, medical supplies such as needles and syringes, ostomy supplies, special dietary foods, eyeglasses, hearing aides with extra batteries, dentures and medical equipment such as a walker, cane, wheelchair readily available and take when evacuated.
  • Prepare a disaster kit and include the following items to last for 3-7 days:
    - Pocketbook or wallet
    - Important papers
    - Flashlight and batteries
    - Personal hygiene articles
    - Non-perishable foods
    - Bottled water – each person needs one gallon per day
    - First aid kit
    - Portable battery operated radio
    - Extra clothing, blankets, pillows