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Fall Prevention

To learn more about our many services and how we can customize them to meet your needs, please feel free to call one of our advisors

at 1-800-655-2555 or contact us.

Falls are the most common cause of fatal injury to the aged and sick.               

Why do falls happen?

  • Person is weak, tired or ill
  • Person is not physically fit
  • Person may have problems seeing
  • Slippery or wet floors or stairs
  • Obstructed pathways
  • Darkness
  • Medicines may cause weakness, sleepiness, confusion or dizziness                         

How to reduce your risk of falling 

What you can do:     

  • Change position slowly. It is best to get up from a chair or bed slowly and turn your head slowly to avoid dizziness
  • Don't Hurry
  • Wear your glasses and/or hearing aid if you need them to see and/or to hear
  • Turn on lights especially in stairways and hallways
  • Wear proper fitting shoes with rubber bottom
  • Keep your personal items within reach
  • Ask if the medications you are taking may increase your risk of falling
  • If you are attached to any equipment, call for assistance to get out of bed 
  •  If you use a cane or walker make sure it is within reach
  • Do not lean on the bed side table or any movable equipment for support.
  • If you are sleepy, dizzy, or weak call for assistance before trying to get up 

Fix your living area:      

  • Non-slip bathmats / Install hand rails
  • Keep bed in appropriate position for safe entry and exit.
  • Tack down the edges of carpets and rugs; remove loose rugs
  • Have ample lighting without glare / use nightlights
  • Clear up clutter  

Caregivers should consider:

  • Carefully toilet all confused or frail patients proactively and frequently, especially when receiving diuretics and/or laxatives
  • Consider commode use
  • Consider the use of bed monitors/alarms for those at higher levels of risk
  • Supervised walking and transfers
  • Consider balance and gait training / strength training 

If your loved one is living in an assisted living or nursing facility:

  • Help them become familiar with their surroundings
  • If confused – ask to have them moved closer to the nursing station.