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Safety In Your Home

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at 1-800-655-2555 or contact us.

  • Install smoke detectors in the kitchen and on every floor. Make sure they work!
  • Check that the water temperature on the water heater is not higher than 120 degrees.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors. Insure that they are working.
  • Have hand railings with steps. Make sure railings and steps are sturdy,
  • Keep all electrical cords and appliances away from water.
  • Have good lighting - Keep a lamp near your bed and a night-light in the bathroom. Make sure hallways and steps are well lit.
  • Don't hurry - Many accidents happen because people try to do things too quickly.
  • Use one good lock - If there's an emergency and you need to get out of your house quickly, it is much easier for you to open a single lock.
  • Have a working home telephone or cell phone that you are able to see and use – Keep updated list of numbers near phone
  • If you use oxygen or a ventilator, notify electrical company and fire department.
  • Don't use restraints such a sheet holding someone in bed or upright in a wheelchair. All types of restraints are very hazardous. 

Bathroom Safety

  • Be sure mats are non-skid.
  • Tubs/showers should have treads on the floor to prevent slipping. Install "grab bars" if needed in the tub and next to the toilet.
  • Don't use towel bars as grab bars.
  • Use assistance as needed when getting in or out of the tub or shower
  • If unsteady on your fee, use bath stool in tub or shower.

Kitchen Safety       

  • Keep a fire extinguisher handy and know how to use it.
  • Clearly mark the "off" position on stoves and ranges so a person with diminished eyesight can tell it is off.
  • Do not leave cooking pots unattended.
  • Keep stove top clean of grease, papers and towels.
  • When cooking, don't wear loose fitting o flammable clothing.

Electrical Safety

  • If oxygen or a ventilator is needed-notify electric company
  • Do not use frayed cords
  • Do not overload an outlet
  • Keep Electrical cords away from water and sinks
  • Utilize three-pronged adapters for safe grounding of all electrical equipment
  • Be familiar with the location of your fuse box and master electrical breaker for emergency shut-off.

Fire Safety

  • Assure that your loved one can call for help and get out of the home in case of fire.
  • Do not smoke in home with oxygen and never smoke in bed or when tired.
  • Have your home's electrical system checked if there are signs of a wiring problem, such as frequently blown fuses, hot cords or outlets, dimmed lights.
  • Keep a multi-purpose labeled (ABC) fire extinguisher charged and handy
  • Make a fire escape plan and practice it often.
  • Check fire exits to be sure they open easily and are free of clutter.

Child Safety: A Few Quick Reminders                                                  

  • Lock windows to prevent your child from falling outside.
  • Remove or shorten any cord that your child can reach. Cords from blinds or drapes can cause strangulation.
  • Always pick up toys so that no one slips and falls on them.
  • Secure furniture so it cannot be pulled over.
  • Keep button batteries secure, they can cause intoxication with mercury and acid.
  • Keep pillows out of the crib for first year.
  • Take bibs off prior to sleep.
  • Never hold or pass hot liquids over your child.
  • Keep cleaning products out of reach - not under sink.
  • Place covers over the stove's burners and cook on the back burners.
  • Keep pot handles inwards towards the back of the stove.
  • Install safety latches.
  • Move sharp, tiny and/or poisonous objects to a drawer with a safety latch.
  • Keep alcohol far from reach.
  • Never use hot tap water for mixing your baby's formula or food.
  • Do not microwave formula or baby food.
  • Use safety gates.
  • Keep all small objects secure and out of reach.
  • Never leave a child alone near any water – even a few inches in a bucket. Drowning is quick and quiet.
  • When running bathtub water, turn off the hot water first so that if your baby accidentally turns on the water, he or she is not burned by water left in the faucet.
  • Use non-slip tub mat or decals.
  • Never leave electrical appliances plugged in near water.
  • Keep fans and space heaters out of reach.
  • Safely dispose of plastic bags; they can cause suffocation.