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Complementary Therapies

Contact Information

To learn more about hospice care and how we can customize our many services to meet your needs please contact Meridian At Home Hospice at 732-751-3750 or email us at  


Hospice Complementary Therapies

Meridian At Home offers complementary services to our Hospice patients including Music, Pet and Reiki Therapy.

Music Therapy

Music touches people’s spirits in different ways depending on the type and sound of the music. Our volunteers are trained in communicating with the patient and family members and assist them in choosing just the right music to suite their needs.

Pet Therapy

Pet therapy is often used in hospice care as part of our volunteer program. Often during such difficult times patients have to give up their pets due to their inability to provide care for them. This program is a great way to give patients the exposure to the unconditional love a pet can provide without all of the difficulties of keeping one in the home.

Reiki Therapy

Reiki is the Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy.

The Reiki Practitioners gently place their hands on the patient in a comforting way. For a Hospice patient Reiki can reduce stress and anxiety bringing comfort to the terminally ill.

For more information on Meridian At Home Complementary Hospice Therapies please call Georgiann Moroney at 732-751-3794.